
Lead, nickel and chromium 10 TIMES higher than safe limit found lurking in vapes puffed by kids

Toxic metals are lurking in cheap vapes puffed by schoolkids, a shock investigation revealed today.  Tests on e-cigarettes confiscated from youngsters found they contained dangerous levels of lead, nickel and chromium. Some were almost 10 times above safe limits.  Exposure to lead can impair brain development, while the other two metals can trigger blood clotting.  One…

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Wegovy and Ozempic could be anti-addiction drugs as they cure drinking and shopping habits

Patients taking the blockbuster weight-loss drug Wegovy are reporting an unusual added benefit — they are free from other addictions that used to rule their lives. Users across the country claim their cravings for cigarettes and alcohol became less intense when they started taking the slimming injection. Others say bad habits like biting their nails, picking…

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