Cabinet Office refers Boris Johnson to police over possible new lockdown breaches

Cabinet Office refers Boris Johnson to police over possible new lockdown breaches

Cabinet Office refers Boris Johnson to police over possible new lockdown breaches at Chequers and Downing Street amid claims ex-PM was visited by friends despite Covid restrictions

Boris Johnson has been referred to police over fresh claims of lockdown breaches by the ex-prime minister, it emerged tonight.

The Cabinet Office is reported to have passed on concerns to the Metropolitan Police and Thames Valley Police over alleged visits by friends of Mr Johnson to Chequers.

The concerns are said to have been highlighted by lawyers during preparations for the official public inquiry into the Government’s handling of the Covid pandemic.

A Cabinet Office spokesman told The Times: ‘Information came to light during the process of preparing evidence for submission to the Covid inquiry.

‘It was identified as part of the normal disclosure review of potentially relevant documents being undertaken by the legal team for inquiry witnesses.

‘In line with obligations in the civil service code, this material has been passed to the relevant authorities and it is now a matter for them.’

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